Signs of change
Solar powered website
Super light weight minimum impact design
Demands grow for ‘green industrial revolution’
BBC, 4 June 2020
We've already got the tech to reach negative emissions by 2040s
ABC News, March 2020
‘Bath sponge’ breakthrough to boost cleaner cars
MSN, April 2020
Scientists say there are at least 80 ways we can reduce emissions right now
ABC News, March 2020
UK steps towards zero-carbon economy
BBC, October 2018
Eco-friendly cafe owner: 'I put the environment before profits'
BBC, 10 October 2019
Climate Change: Economic Risks and Challenges For the C-suite
Wall Street Journal (Deloitte paid content, meaning there is money to be made from this, meaning change will happen quicker), September 2019
Radical plan to repair Earth's climate
BBC, May 2019
Climate change: Report raises new optimism over industry
BBC, November 2018
NHS staff urged to help service tackle climate change
BBC 25 Jan 2020
Finland carbon-neutral in 15 years?
BBC, Janjuary 2020
An area the size of Switzerland create enough carbon neutral fuel for the entire aviation industry
ETH, the company creating the technology (I have no affiliation), June 2019
UK commits to 'net zero' emissions by 2050
BBC, June 2019
Bring your own containers, says Waitrose
BBC, June 4 2019
Sturgeon declares 'climate emergency'
BBC, April 2019
Attenborough climate show a 'call to arms'
BBC, April 2019
London climate protests enter third day
BBC, April 2019